The Effect of Fluorine Treatment of Poly(methyl-) methacrylate (PMMA) on the Severity of Intraocular Lens (IOL)-induced Inflammation in Paediatric Cataract
M.-S. H. El Agha, S. S. E. H. Saif, I. Gawdat, M. N. H. Nabih
Background IOL implantation in children is associated with an exaggerated fibrinous reaction, posterior synae-chiae, and a pronounced chronic giant-cell reaction. This study was undertaken to ascertain whether or not fluori-nation of the PMMA IOL surface decreases the incidence of such complications.
Methods 30 cataract patients aged 4 to 12 years were in-cluded in this study. 15 patients received a fluorinated IOL, and the other 15 patients received an identical non-treated IOL.
Results Patients were followed up for 1 to 18 months. Dense pupillary membrane formation or a severe fibri-nous response occurred in 60% of eyes in the fluorinated IOL group, and in 67% of controls. Posterior synaechiae occurred in 33% of the fluorinated IOL group and 27% of controls. A delayed giant-cell reaction occurred in 47% of eyes with a fluorinated IOL and in 60% of control eyes.
Conclusion No statistically significant difference was found between fluorine-treated IOLs and non-treated ones in terms of pupillary membrane formation, fibrinous reaction and posterior synaechiae. However, a lower inci-dence of giant-cell reaction was found on fluorine-treated IOLs in comparison with controls (p <0.05). Larger series of cases with a longer follow-up may reveal even greater differences. Fluorination of the PMMA IOL surface may improve the results of IOL implantation in children.
Ophthalmology Department, Cairo University