Abstracts 2002

106 Vi

Secondary optic capture of surgical treatment of
after cataract in congenital cataract

Kim WS

Purpose: To evaluate the role of optic capture in eyes having
cataract ex-traction, anterior vitrectomy, and intraocular lens
(IOL) implantation for congenital cataract. Methods: We revie-
wed the charts of 7 eyes (Mean age 7.24 years old) who had after
cataract since had got primary cataract surgery with PC IOL im-
plantation. The posterior capsule and anterior vitreous were ma-
naged in a variety of ways; In 5 eyes, a posterior continuous
curvilinear capsulorhexis (PCCC) was performed with anterior vi-
trectomy and optic capture pattern of haptic in the bag-optic in
the vitreous; In 2 eyes, haptic in the sulcus-optic in the vitreous.
The follow-up ranged from 36 to 42 months. Results: All eyes
maintained a clear visual axis and the IOLs were centered. Intra-
ocular pressure by applanation tonometry was stationary within
12. 15 mmHg. The corneas were clear, the anterior chambers
were deep with amount of inflammation. But the inflammation
was controled by 1 % prednisolone acetate and 1 % atropine, there
were no problem. The IOL remained captured posterior to the
opposed capsular leaflets. Forty months postoperatively, the an-
terior vitreous faces were clear and no precipitates had formed on
the anterior or posterior IOL surfaces. Postoperative complications
were transient iritis in 2 eyes, iridolenticular adhesions in 4 eyes,
iridocapsular adhesions in 5 eyes. Conclusion: Optic capture re-
sults in better IOL centration but predisposed the eye to an in-
creased uveal inflammatory response.


Zur Tagungsübersicht DGII 2002

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