Abstracts 2002

140 V

Is immediate rise in IOP related to the ergonomics of
the phacotips and cummulative dissipated energy?

Vasavada A, Mamata M, Deepa G

To compare immediate rise in IOP with phacotips of different
ergonomics and correlate with cummulative dissipated energy
(CDE). Prospective, randomized double masked study:- Gr.1 (i)
straight microtip (n = 24) Gr.(ii) Kelman microtip (n = 24). Cataract
grade 1 to 3 (range 1 to 5). Intraoperative observations:- CDE and
wound site thermal injury (WSTI). IOP measured every 2 hours
for first 12 hours, then at 24 hours with pneumo and applanation
tonometry. Percentage rise in IOP to the baseline IOP was calcu-
lated. Unpaired 't', correlation coefficient and X2 test applied.
Mean percentage IOP rise: - group 1, 111.60 . 37.83; group 2,
91.29 . 31.85 (t = 2.01, df = 46 p < 0.05). Mean CDE: - group 1,
0.668 . 0.24 and its correlation (r = 0.3823, p < 0.05). Group 2
mean CDE 0.651 +/- 0.28 & its correlation (4 = 0.5144, p < 0.01). Mild
WSTI : -3 and 1 eyes in group 1 & 2 respectively. (X 2 = 0.2727,
p = 0.6015). With Kelman tip, percentage rise in IOP less and
strong correlation with CDE.


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