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Our approach to congenital cataract surgery in 2002
Vasavada A
After a thorough pre-operative evaluation of the child under
anaesthesia, surgical strategy is decided. Our surgical paradigms
include a closed chamber technique, use of high viscosity viscoe-
lastics and primary posterior capsule management. Current stra-
gegy: Children < 2 years - PCCC + vitrectomy 2. 6 years - only
PCCC, no vitrectomy 6 years - No PCCC Our experience with
Acrysof in congenital cataract surgery: We designed a propspec-
tive study to see the long term outcome of Acrysof implantation
in congenital cataract surgery. We devided 103 eyes into 2 main
groups. The average age was 55 months and average followup was
22 months. Children under 2 years (gr. 1) All eyes had PCCC and
vitrectomy. Children over 2 years (gr. 2) Random assignment re-
sulted in:
Gr. 2A: No PCCC
Gr. 2B: PCCC. This was further subdivided into
Gr. 2BV: Vitrectomy done
Gr. 2BN: No vitrectomy
Acrysof IOL retards the onset of PCO and proliferative PCO is more
common, in addition to its compatibility with the anterior vi-
treous face. This indicates that Acrysof IOL has a superior bio-
compatibility, ensuring a better visual outcome, thus making it
the IOL of choice in paediatric cataract surgery.
Zur Tagungsübersicht DGII 2002