Honorary Members of the GSCRS
Professor David J. Apple, MD (Charleston, USA)
Cornelius D. Binkhorst, MD (Terneuzen, Netherlands) †
Ulrich Demeler, MD (Bremen, Germany)
Jörg Dräger, MD (Hamburg, Germany) †
Professor Gernot I. W. Duncker (Halle/Saale, Germany) †
Professor Heinz Freyler, MD (Vienna, Austria)
Professor Karl-Wilhelm Jacobi, MD (Giessen, Germany) †
Okihiro Nishi, MD (Osaka, Japan)
Professor Christian Ohrloff, MD (Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
Klaus Schott, MD (Munich, Germany)
Professor Robert C. Stegmann , MD (Pretoria, South Africa)
Professor Daniel Vörösmarthy, MD (Budapest, Hungary) †
Professor Josef Wollensak, MD (Berlin, Germany) †
Prof. Dr. Thomas Neuhann (Munich, Germany)