21. Kongress der DGII 2007
Abstracts DGII 2007
R 77
Presbyopia Correction with ReZoom Multifocal IOLs: Canadian Multicentre Comparison of 6 week and 6 month Outcomes
Beiko G
St. Catherines (CDN)
Purpose: To compare the visual outcomes at 6 weeks and 6 months post-op following bilateral implantation of ReZoom Multifocal IOLs.
Methods: 18 centres across Canada participated in this study. Patients presenting for bilateral cataract or refractive lensectomy surgery were enrolled. Pre-op and post-op questionnaires were used to access patient dependence on glasses for near, intermediate and distance vision, as well as the presence of dysphotopsias. Near, distance and intermediate vision, as well as refraction was measured. This report focuses on the results at 6 weeks and 6 months post-op.
Results: 161 patients were enrolled in the study; 106 completed the 6 week follow-up and 98 finished the 6 month follow-up. 94% and 91%, respectively, were spectacle independent at 6 weeks and 6 months. 91% and 97% respectively, achieved 20/30 or better uncorrected distance vision at 6 weeks and 6 months; 59% and 100% saw 20/30 or better at intermediate distance, uncorrected, respectively at 6 weeks and 6 months; and 79% and 84% saw 20/30 or better, uncorrected, for near, respectively at 6 weeks and 6 months. At 6 months, there was a significant increase in the number of patients seeing 20/20 or better at all distances. Dysphotopic symptoms were less post-op compared to pre-op, and decreased significantly at 6 month post-op.
Conclusions: This study found that patients continue to achieve improvement in visual function with time, following implantation of the ReZoom multifocal IOL.
Erschienen in: Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd, 224, Suppl. 2 |