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23. Kongress der DGII 2009

Abstracts DGII 2009

IV. Wissenschaftliche Sitzung: Allgemeines/Nachstar/Varia

V 23

The role of the Soemmerring’s Ring in the pathogenesis of post-capsule opacification and other post-surgical opacifications

Apple DJ1, Borkenstein AFM1, Kleinmann G1, Zaugg B1, Auffarth GU2

1 Laboratories for Ophthalmic Devices Research, Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina (USA)
2 Universitäts-Augenklinik Heidelberg

Purpose: There is misunderstanding regarding the pathogenesis of many diseases and opacifications that occur within the eye after anterior segment surgery. We test the hypothesis that the Soemmerring’s Ring is the structure of origin of multiple conditions ranging from simple PCO to capsular phimosis.
Methods: We examined the anterior segmentsof previously operated eyes(n =16,000) with special reference to a tracing of cells from the region of the peripheral lens to the point within the eye where they settle. This tracing was done using the Miyake-Apple technique.
Results: Examination of the capsular bagsof the 500 eyes revealed 2 levels of intracapsular LEC activity after ECCE. These included:
1. Quiescent cells (40%) that appear no longer capable of causing problematic proliferation.
2. About 60% of eyes had cells that were viable and mitotic. There were no examples of complete clean-up and regardless of the IOL type.

1. All proliferation in the capsular bags was higher than expected. (LECs and Soemmerring’s Ring).
2.To date the reareno surgical means to remove 100% of LECs!
3. All IOL models are susceptible to a breakout of cells from the Soemmerring’s Ring after ca.5 –7years.

Erschienen in: Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2009; 226: Suppl 1, 1–24
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart - New York; ISSN 1431-634X