25. Kongress der DGII 2011
Abstracts DGII 2011
Sitzung: Linsentechnologie / Diagnostik
95 V
Detlev R. H. Breyer, H. Kaymak, K. Klabe (Düsseldorf)
Aberrometry, Corneal Topography and Refraction up to one year after Femtosecond Flap- and Intracorneal Lenticule
Purpose: To evaluate and compare aberrometry, corneal topography and refraction measurements after Femtosecond assisted flap- and intracorneal lenticule preparation in different ablation patterns.
Material and Method: We used the VisuMax and the Mel 80 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) for flap- or lenticule preparation. Postoperative aberrometry was examined with the Topcon KR-1W aberrometry, videokeratography and refraction. Results: Aberrometry, corneal topography and refraction varied significantly in a.m. femtosecond laser surgery. Conclusion: Intracorneal femtosecondlaser assisted lenticule preparation seems to be the most precise and less aberration inducing method. A bigger patient group has to be evaluated in the near future to achieve statistically more significant
Erschienen in: german medical science